
OMEGA Watchmaking – Pioneers In History

OMEGA Watchmaking – Introduction

Today we’re going to talk about an important piece of watchmaking history. Since the watch industry has grown in Switzerland, OMEGA has taken an important pioneer role. Manufacturing a watch is a tough path towards perfection and of course, accuracy.

From OMEGA’s beginnings, their timepieces have recorded some of the most significant moments in the world (and in space). They have been worn by presidents and kings, astronauts and spies, movie stars and entrepreneurs. Behind each one is a legacy of horological quality and innovation.


OMEGA’s First Antimagnetic Watch

2013 OMEGA presented their first antimagnetic watch. The Seamaster Aqua Terra model equipped with the calibre 8508, is resistant to 15’000 Gauss. Instead of using an inner soft iron case Omega developed a movement based on antimagnetic components. Everyone knows that we are surrounded by magnetic fields and that they get more and stronger almost every year.

But let’s explain why: If a mechanical watch gets magnetised, the magnetic field has a severe influence on the accuracy of it.  Most mechanical watch movements are traditionally made of mostly metal, meaning they are susceptible to magnetic fields. The big challenge now was, to build an antimagnetic watch. A resistance of 15’000 Gauss is masterwork and requires a lot of innovation.

Besides – you can test pretty easy: take a normal watch and get a magnet. Holding it close, will make it stop. If you do the same with an OMEGA – it will have no influence.

OMEGA – The World’s First Master Master Chronometer

If it says ‘Master Chronometer’ on the dial of your watch, you can be sure it contains the most precise movement. OMEGA has built its reputation on revolutionary watch movements. And the Master Chronometer watches, which earn that designation by passing tests approved by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology, put their COSC-certified chronometer calibres in the spotlight once again.





8 tests have to be completed in order to earn this certificate, which is officially proved by METAS (Federal Institute Of Metrology).

1. Function of COSC-Approved movement during exposure to 15,000 Gauss (1.5 Tesla) magnetic field

This test examines the movement of the watch, placing it in two different positions and subjecting it to a magnetic field of 15,000 gauss.

2. Function of watch during exposure to 15,000 Gauss magnetic field

In this test, the watch is subjected to a magnetic field of 15,000 gauss.

3. Deviation of daily chronometric precision after exposure to 15,000 Gauss

In this test, the watch is subjected to a magnetic field of 15,000 gauss and its chronometric precision is calculated after 24 hours.

4. Average Daily Chronometric precision of the watch

This test is carried out over four days. During these days, the watch is placed in six different positions and two alternating temperature zones.

5. Power Reserve

This test checks the power reserve of the watch by proving that it continues to function at the limit of its expected capacity.

6. Deviation of chronometric precision in six positions

In this test, the watch is placed in six different positions and its chronometric precision is recorded in each one.

7. Deviation of chronometric precision between 100% and 33% of power reserve

In this test, the watch is placed in six different positions and its chronometric precision is recorded at 100% power reserve in each one.

8. Water resistance

This test submerges the watch underwater, gradually applying more pressure up the point of the stated water resistance.

Example of a Master Chronometer Certificate


OMEGA – The Seamaster ‘Deep Black’ Collection

A beautiful novelty is the creation of the ‘Deep Black’ Collection. In our universe, the Earth’s oceans are naturally linked to the moon in our sky. For OMEGA, the connection can also be found in their latest ceramic collection. From the Speedmaster Dark Side of the Moon that was first released in 2013, OMEGA has evolved its ceramic expertise to produce the Seamaster Planet Ocean “Deep Black”. This time, the craftsmanship has gone much further.

These four remarkable 45.5 mm timepieces are the combination of a GMT model and a diving watch. The true technical challenge was to produce a diving watch made entirely from ceramic and ensure that it could withstand the pressures of the ocean at a depth of 600 m / 2000 ft. / 60 bar. However, the goal has been achieved, and the result is a state-of-the-art creation that stands alone in the industry. Of course, the new ‘Deep Black’ collection contains the master chronometer calibre (8906)which is also resistant to 15’000 Gauss. Besides that, you’re getting a 4 years warranty.




OMEGA – Official Timekeeper Of The Olympics

The 2016 Summer Olympics In Rio De Janeiro

Rio 2016

Tomorrow is a big day for Rio De Janeiro – the Olympic Summer Games are going to start. The world is totally excited about this upcoming sports event and trust me, I’m going to have my TV on a bit more often than usual. Athletes from all over the world have prepared for weeks, months and years to compete at the Olympic games. An Olympic medal is the ultimate dream of every sportsman. A life full of devotion and dedication can be changed to gold within a heartbeat. OMEGA is delivering the service to measure a very tiny difference of success or failure – the instrument that measures this small but very important detail. Imagine, timekeeping requires 450 tons of equipment and over thousand people to accomplish such a service.

London 2012_timekeeping room

Olympic Games 1932 – The Legacy Begins

1932 was a defining year in the history of sports measurement. For the very first time, a single private company was entrusted with keeping time across all events at the Olympic Games. That honour went to OMEGA, who supplied one timekeeper and 30 high precision chronographs which had all been certified as chronometers by the Observatory at Neuchâtel. In this first occasion as Official Timekeeper of the Olympic Games, OMEGA was able to capture results to the nearest 10th of a second. The brand’s expertise was highly appreciated by the officials in Los Angeles and was also invaluable when it came to confirming 17 new World Records. The event was also notable for having the first Olympic Village, as well as the first medal podiums at an Olympic Games.


OMEGA And The Olympics

On 26 occasions since 1932, OMEGA has fulfilled the prestigious role of Official Timekeeper at the Olympic Games. Now, as the world’s attention turns to Rio de Janeiro, the brand will once again assume its duties, with the same commitment and passion that has stood the test of time.

Under OMEGA’s watchful eye, records have been set and broken, history has been witnessed, and legends have been made. No matter the year, the Olympic Games always deliver a multitude of great moments in time. Now, as the world’s attention turns to Rio de Janeiro, the brand will assume its duties for the 27th time. Surrounded by the colour and culture of this vibrant city, the brand will work with the enduring commitment and passion that has sealed our unrivalled reputation. But behind the action, are the technologies that have captured and recorded every second.

In the pool, OMEGA has developed many systems that make victory indisputable. These include, among many, the first semi-automatic timer for swimming events, and the famous touchpads positioned at both ends of the pool lanes.

Out on the track, OMEGA has been responsible for the research, development and manufacture of the most famous devices used in precision sports timing, among them the Scan’O’Vision photo-finish cameras, starting blocks, false-start detection technology and high-speed video systems.

With athletes now becoming faster and stronger, OMEGA is dedicated to matching their desire, and will continue to advance the technologies it contributes to the Games. This will ensure that whoever stands on the podiums now and in the future, will do so with the most precise knowledge of their medal-winning performance.

London 2012_New starting block 2

London2012_swimming timekeeping_4

2012 – 2016 The Trusted Timekeeping Of Today

Looking at the Olympic Games today, it is clear to see that OMEGA’s timekeeping has evolved to become a highly-sophisticated system that leaves no result in doubt. In London in 2012, OMEGA introduced three new pieces of “futuristic” equipment including new starting blocks used by sprinters and shortdistance runners; the innovative Swimming Show that instantly ranks the top three finishers in the pool; and the high-precision Quantum Timer used in athletics and water
sports that has an enhanced resolution of one millionth of a second. Added to this, there are even more devices now being used such as the light and electronic sound “starting pistol” with its bright red colour, and the OMEGA Scan’O’Vision MYRIA that captures 10,000 frames per second in a photofinish. Over 84 years, our reputation has been cemented by dedication and passion. For the athletes who compete in Rio 2016, every result is now in very safe and experienced hands.

Discover The OMEGA Olympic Collection At Les Ambassadeurs in Zürich (from 3.-29.8.2016)

On the occasion of the Olympic games in Rio, a special exhibition of OMEGA will be held from 3rd to 29th of August 2016 at Les Ambassadeurs in Zurich. Come by and see how OMEGA has been capturing the dreams of the athletes fighting for victory for more than 80 years as an official timekeeper of the Olympic games.

OMEGA Olympics

The Evolution Of OMEGA Timekeeping

As athletes become faster and stronger, OMEGA has also advanced its own strengths and abilities in the world of Olympic Games timekeeping. Three technologies in particular have seen a great evolution that proves just how far we’ve come.

Progress Of A Starting Pistol (1948 – 2010)

1948_starting pistol

2010_starting pistol

Advancement Of The Photofinish Camera (1948 – 2016)

1948_Racend Timer

Camera Scan'O'Vision Myria_2

Photoelectric Timing (1948 – 2016)


2016_photoelectric cells

How OMEGA Times The 100m Athletics Event

pk_RIO_illustration 100M EVENT 1

pk_RIO_illustration 100M EVENT 2


pk_RIO_illustration 100M EVENT 3

How OMEGA Times The 100m Freestyle In Swimming

pk_RIO_illustration 100M FREESTYLE SWIMMING 1

pk_RIO_illustration 100M FREESTYLE SWIMMING 2

Closing Word

Timekeeping at the Olympics is an important piece of history. OMEGA is putting a lot of effort into the Olympics and I absolutely appreciate the hard work and effort. I’m looking forward to all the emotions and great times of the Olympic Games.


Silvretta Classic Rallye Montafon

Silvretta Classic Rallye Montafon- meine erste Oldtimer Rallye

Neulich nahm ich an meiner ersten Oldtimer Rallye teil – die Silvretta Classic Rallye im Montafon.

Wie jedes Kind träumte ich schon damals davon eines Tages einen Oldtimer zu fahren – oder ja sogar einen zu besitzen. Das Thema Oldtimer steht natürlich für jeden Gentleman hoch im Kurs. Es geht über das Sammeln der Fahrzeuge hinaus, dahinter versteckt sich ein Mythos, eine Passion fürs Leben. Es ist vielmehr als nur Autofahren.

SIC_4C_ohne Sponsor_2016

Silvretta Classic Rallye Montafon (c) Montafon Tourismus GmbH - Motor Presse Stuttgart _1

silvretta classic rallye

Meine Silvretta Classic Rallye ging an einem Samstag um 05:00 los. Früh morgens machte ich mich auf den Weg Richtung Partenen – im wunderschönen Montafon gelegen. Die Sonnenstrahlen drückten durch die Wolken als ich immer weiter ins in das Alpental fuhr. Natürlich kamen viele positive Erinnerungen hoch, wir waren ja bereits vergangenes Jahr im Löwen Hotel und verbrachten eine wunderbare Zeit.

presse silvretta classic rallye

Silvretta Classic Rallye – Die Fahrt

Ein paar Tage vor dem Rennen kontaktierte mich die Motor Presse Stuttgart, um nachzufragen, womit ich gerne mitfahren möchte. An dieser Stelle ganz herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung!

Nun, meine Wahl traf auf einen amerikanischen Oldtimer – den Cadillac 1958 Series 62 Coupé. Schon früh faszinierten mich amerikanische Oldtimer und noch heute weiss ich, dass ich eines Tages einen besitzen werde.

Was ich vor der Rallye nicht wusste, es war der grösste, längste und schwerste Teilnehmer der Silvretta Classic Rallye! 2,3 Tonnen Eigengewicht, 6 Meter Länge und 2,3 Meter Breite sind Masse eines LKWs! Der Cadillac hat einen typisch amerikanischen V8 Motor mit stolzen 300 PS, die Du nie brauchst, denn viel gemütlicher ist es, damit durch die Gegend zu cruisen. Man stelle sich vor, der Cadillac kommt mit einer simplen 3-Gang Automatik zurecht und verbraucht etwa 30L/100km – typisch US Oldtimer.

cadillac 1958

cadillac 1958 series 2

Der Besitzer erzählte mir, dass es nur noch etwa 300 Stück dieses Modells gibt, seiner ist noch komplett in Originalzustand. Auf die Frage, wann er seinen Cadillac fährt: „natürlich bei praktisch jedem Wetter, dazu ist er ja da“.

Mit meinen 1,94m hatte ich jede Menge Platz auf der Rückbank, ein riesiges Fahrzeug – unglaublich! Über nasse Strassen, durch grüne Wälder, über die Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse düsend bis zum See. Die Gegend ist unendlich schön, türkis blaue Stauseen umgeben von Bergen und kurvigen Passstrassen. Wo immer wir entlang fuhren, die Menschen winkten auf allen Strassen. Während der Fahrt unterhielten wir uns über den Mythos Oldtimer, seine weiteren 16 Modelle und was es für eine Ehe bedeutet wenn der Gentleman ein solches Hobby pflegt. Inmitten dieses Abenteuers lässt es mich nachvollziehen wie viel Hingabe diese Passion bedeutet.

Meine Begeisterung hätte grösser nicht sein können, Oldtimer soweit das Auge reicht… Laute Motoren und so viele Schönheiten auf einem Platz! Natürlich mischen vorne einige richtig ambitionierte Fahrer mit, aber am Ende des Tages gilt: dabei sein ist alles!

oldtimer rallye

silvretta classic cars

Silvretta Classic Rallye Montafon (c) Montafon Tourismus GmbH - Motor Presse Stuttgart _2

silvretta rallye

silvretta see

Einmal mehr habe ich eine Menge Interessantes gelernt, beispielsweise dass es einige Prüfungen gibt, die man während einer solchen Classic Rallye zu bestehen hat. Immer wieder hatten wir Zeitmessungen und Prüfungen, also nicht ganz easy das Ganze! Hier ein Beispiel:

Die OMEGA Globemaster

Meine Wahl war nicht schwer, für einen solchen Event geht nichts über eine elegante und klassische Uhr. Aber was verbindet einen Oldtimer mit der OMEGA Globemaster? Ein Oldtimer wird aufwändig gehegt und gepflegt, jedes Detail wird sorgfältig beachtet. Eines Tages schliesst sich der Kreis und der Vater vererbt dem Sohn seinen Oldtimer. Genau so ist es mit einer mechanischen Uhr, sie verliert den Wert nicht. Auch die Uhr wird sorgfältig restauriert und aufbewahrt, irgendwann wird man älter und vererbt sie in die nächste Generation. Und dies über Jahre hinweg. Es ist ein ideeller Wert, etwas das nie zu Ende geht und seinen Mythos und seine Geschichte wie eine Schatztruhe in sich wahrt. Wir leben in einer Zeit die sich kontinuierlich verändert, ständig werden Neuerungen präsentiert, aber wird es dadurch besser? Ich denke, es gilt die wahren Werte im Leben zu erhalten – diejenigen, welche über Generationen weiter existieren und die wir im Herzen tragen.

omega globemaster

omega globemaster cadillac

Genau das ist es, was mich diese Tage so sehr berührte. Hier geht es nicht um finanzielle Werte der Fahrzeuge, sondern um die Passion, die Freude am Leben, um sein grösstes Hobby, worin man so viele Stunden investiert. Es geht darum, seinen Traum zu leben.

Die Stimmung war wirklich atemberaubend. Im Nachhinein kann ich Euch versichern, eines Tages an einer Oldtimer Rallye teilzunehmen – mit meinem Fahrzeug versteht sich. Ich habe zufriedene, entspannte Menschen getroffen, welche alle Dasselbe tun: Ihre Passion leben.

Montafon – die Region

Die Urlaubsdestination Montafon ist ein Eldorado für Naturliebhaber, Genießer und Sportler

Unberührte Bergwiesen und berühmte Gipfel – das Montafon hat alles, was den Bergurlaub zu einem echten Erlebnis macht. Und das für alle. Für Familien, Sportbegeisterte, Kulturinteressierte, Naturliebhaber und Genießer. Authentizität spielt dabei in allen Bereichen eine große Rolle.

Eine Region auf ganz natürliche und genussvolle Art zu entdecken. Im Montafon – einem Alpental im westlichsten Bundesland Österreichs – ist dies ohne Vorbehalte möglich. Die herrliche Landschaft des 39 km langen Tales mit elf Orten bietet genügend Platz für umfassende Freizeit- und Sportmöglichkeiten. Die insgesamt ca. 20.000 Gästebetten liegen zwischen 650 und 2.032 m Seehöhe. Das Angebot an Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten könnte vielfältiger nicht sein: Ferienwohnungen, Gasthäuser, Privatzimmer, Hotels oder direkt auf dem Bauernhof.

Die unberührte Landschaft ist Balsam für die Seele. Das Zusammenspiel der Natur mit Kunst und Kultur eröffnet neue Blickwinkel.


The New McLaren 570GT – Along The Roads Of Tenerife

Introduction Of My Story

It’s one of these days when suddenly the phone rings and you’re asked if you wanna join the McLaren team on Tenerife to drive the new McLaren 570GT. My adventure started with a smooth flight, of course I was totally excited to drive across the island and discover this beautiful car.

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

Arrived At The Ritz Carlton Suite

The team booked the supreme suite with the new 570GT standing in the middle of deck. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes, so I had to ask how they have managed to get it up there? Well, there was no helicopter on the island with enough power – at the end of the day the have used a huge crane to lift it on to the top of the Hotel – crazy!


mclaren ritz carlton

Over these days we had a very lovely team and wonderful food. Where ever and when ever we had all the support and help needed. I’d like to share a big thank you with the McLaren crew.

The New McLaren 570GT

With their new model – the 570GT – McLaren is presenting their yet most comfortable sports car. So what’s different? Basically the whole concept of building a sports car has been refined and made more luxury. The McLaren 570GT contains a touring deck with 220 litres of storage space, a panoramic roof, comfy beautiful leather seats and a Bowers & Wilkins sound system! The McLaren 570GT is an ultimate sports car experience. One that’s perfect for daily use, longer journeys and weekends away.

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

McLaren is of course using a carbon-fibre chassis to make the model light and protecting. Yes, the result of using carbon-fibre is exceptional crash protection, outstanding dynamics and an unrivaled power-to-weight ratio.

So let’s talk about the performance! McLaren is using their twin-turbocharged 3.8 – Litre V8 which produces pretty mad 562BHP and 600NM torque. The sound of the 570GT is a bit less loud compared to the other models – that ensures the common theme of building a comfortable sports-car.



The seven-speed seamless-shift gearbox belongs to most responsive gearboxes I’ve experienced so far. Pretty sick how detailed you can adjust every single detail. There are two options, both separately adjustable from each other. So you can switch the engine in sports mode but keep the handling in normal mode which is ending up in some fancy driving cocktails.


Interstellar Travelling – Along The Roads Of Tenerife

The journey we had on this island, was beyond anything I have seen and felt. The diversity of our ride across the roads was otherworld-like. And that’s why I wrote some style of a poem to express what we have discovered.

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

Deep in the Ocean of Time
Right into the layers of space
Dwelling through infinite dimensions

I’m here, paralyzed, under the vibrant sky.
Let go of past judgments
and embrace new paths of thoughts

Stormy waves across the coast
Along green woods and bendy roads
Up to the prideful volcano

Suddenly I’m reaching another planet, I’m diving into another universe
Lost in an abyss, only glimpses of far away stars, out of reach.
Is time an illusion, an interval or a passage?
Breathless by the emptiness and silence
On the darkside of the moon.

Rights by Ian Kuah –

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

McLaren 570GT Launch 2016 Tenerife

The OMEGA Speedmaster Moonphase

The moon inspires mankind since we exist, it speaks his own secret language. My mother once told me that one of my first words as a baby was ‘moon’ – and I always looked up astonished by it’s mystery.


The OMEGA Speedmaster Moonphase means so much more than just a time indication to me. It’s my personal fascination for precision and perfection.

As well as beautifully measuring every moment on earth; this timepiece follows the phases of the moon, which makes perfect sense given that the Speedmaster was the first watch ever to be worn on the lunar surface.


A brief astronomy lesson: a lunar month is not 30 days, but slightly more than 29.5 days. A difficult time-span to manage for a standard gear train, but OMEGA’s Moonphase is up to the task.

The ‘Master Chronometer’ movement is the yet most precise movement, tested at the industry’s highest level. And that’s exactly the reason why it harmonizes so wonderfully with the 570GT.

Interview with Wayne Bruce

Wayne Bruce is the Global Communications and PR Director. Lucky me, I had the opportunity to ask him a couple of questions.

So you’re obviously not Batman, right?

No, it’s Wayne Bruce – not Bruce Wayne. But they call me ‘Man-bat’ in the UK

What was the goal by developing the McLaren 570GT?

It’s the most luxury McLaren that has been built yet. Means you can easily take it for a longer journey without any issues. It does take the brand into the ‘Gran Turismo’ territory for the first time in history, but it’s still very much a McLaren.

Some words about the future?

Sure, we just announced our business plan for the next 6 years. A few key points:

McLaren will stay self-funding and independent.

We’re going to invest a large proportion of our profits into future products which results in 15 new cars – half of them hybrid engines.

Describe a perfect gentleman

Of course he drives a silver McLaren 570GT (smiles). Being a gentleman is about politeness, understatement, tolerance of others and letting others go first.

Driving the McLaren 650S

After these endless roads and the tremendous beautfiul ride, I took the McLaren 650S to review a slightly faster and crisp model. I made some stopover at Los Gigantes.


Now you have a chance to see me going mad in this car. And as well explain the details.

I’m very much looking forward to my next adventure with McLaren, I’m pretty sure we will have a look into the McLaren production soon!

Driving The New Audi R8 V10 Plus

The New Audi R8 V10 Plus

Pictures and rights by Christian Schmid Fotowerk132

Audi R8 V10 Plus

Audi R8 V10 Plus – The Story

This year, Audi has presented their fastest series car in history. Of course that made me curious and totally excited to drive it for a couple of days.

So what’s the difference to the old version?

This particular model is born, developed and refined directly on the racetrack. You can absolutely imagine that these guys took the whole team to the track to constantly improve the car.

The new model comes up with a naturally aspirated 5.2 L V10 that produces 610bhp! In figures? 0-100 in 3.2 seconds & 0-200 in 10 seconds, those are figures you normally get out of a Lamborghini Huracan!

As well the whole design has been made more sharp and aggressive, it’s simply killing it!

Audi R8 Rückspiegel

Audi R8 V10 Heck

Audi R8 Front

Audi R8 V10 – Technical Details

Audi decided to use a 7 gear twin-clutch gearbox that works like a Swiss watch movement. It’s absolutely precise and responsive. The power is just always available. Due to the naturally aspirated engine, you have no turbo lag or anything similar. To make it even faster on the track, Audi is using the ‘quattro technology’, which is nothing less than a beautifully made four wheel drive system.

Small hint here: as experience teaches, a four wheel drive system usually makes the car a bit heavier but therefor faster on the track (bear in mind that’s not always the case).

 To experience and feel this immense power we made a couple of tests you can see in this video:

Audi R8 V10 Plus – Exhaust

Audi definitely didn’t make economies with this outstanding exhaust system! At the very moment you’re putting it into the sports mode it starts to spit fire and kills all of your sense of hearing.

We made two videos instead of talking a lot – hell what a sound!

Audi R8 V10 Plus – The Look

The new version of the Audi R8 looks very sharp and yet even pretty aggressive. The red colour with all the carbon fiber details (that makes the car lighter and more stable) gives it a supercar feeling.

Audi R8 Spoiler

Audi R8 Karbon

I’m sure that Audi has now well managed to enter the hall of supercars. While driving through Zürich, I had people taking pictures, waving and even young boys running behind me from one to the other traffic signal with their mobile phones. That only happens in a sportscar.

Audi R8 Interior

The interior is very sexy for such a sports car, you basically have everything you need. The satnav does its job smoothly and the Bang & Olufsen sound system is mind blowing – not sure if you will ever use it – because the engine is all you need to hear;)

Audi R8 V10 Interior

Audi R8 Glassabdeckung

The engine has a glass cover. One of the fine details I recognised: you can see the engine through the rear-view mirror – astonishing!

Audi R8 V10 Plus – Some More Personal Impressions

I had a great time with this car and of course a lot of fun. It’s to my surprise very comfortable to drive and pretty easy as well. From my perspective, Audi has made it into the very top cars of the world and that deserves respect.

Of course the V10 is consuming a bit, and yes the car is not that cheap at 250k… You can say the that it’s difficult to reach the seat belt and small details like this but at the end of the day it was an ultimate experience!

Audi R8 V10 Rear

Maserati Snow And Ice At The Chedi Andermatt

Maserati Snow And Ice – At The Chedi

In recent days this year I got asked to attend an event I have been wanting to be part of for so long: The Drifting Experience at Maserati’s “Snow and Ice”.
As you probably know from your own time scheduling, unfortunately I was booked out for the whole week already. To my and Mona’s favour, I could ask her to displace myself. This is why you will experience the journey through her perspective.
Enjoy, Ralph

Maserati Winter

The Maserati’s & The Chedi’s “Snow and Ice” Winter Experience

Driving up the winding road to Andermatt got me highly excited about the fun day ahead with Maserati.
I was mighty impressed by the astonishing Chedi with its well-composed mixture of luxurious materials and the solid wooden design. This architectural masterpiece had a majestic impact on me during the whole stay.
After the arrival I made sure to spend some time relaxing at the beautiful Spa. Besides the always obliging staff, the delicious food and the spacious Deluxe Room I was given, the Spa area was absolutely sensational.
Chedi Andermatt Pool
To close that pleasing arrival day, we got spoilt by Nenad Mlinarevic’s exquisite dinner. Nenad combines different ingredients and textures – that you wouldn’t imagine could work together – in an incredibly surprising but agreeable way. For desert, as an example, we tasted the combination of razor-thin salted dark chocolate with a Jerusalem artichoke flavoured ice cream and dried pear flakes. To be honest, tasting the single components wasn’t what I’d call “mouth-watering”, but the flavours and textures combined added to a very delicious whole. 
Nenad Mlinarevic

Maserati Snow Video

Ghibli vs Quattroporte and All Wheel Drive vs Rear Wheel Drive – two hard decisions when it comes to selecting your favourite Maserati Model in the snow.

Maserati Ghibli snow drifting
Maserati Ghibli S Q4 snow driftingVerbrauch: kombiniert 9,7 l/100 km; innerorts 14,1 l/100 km; außerorts 7,1 l/100 km // CO2-Emissionen: kombiniert 226 g/km // Effizienzklasse: F //Abgasnorm EURO 6
Posted by Maserati Schweiz on Thursday, 21 January 2016

As a passionate AWD Driver I found the Ghibli Q4 (AWD) the most handy and forgiving vehicle of the four. It is about half a meter shorter than the Quattroporte line and therefore has a wheelbase that is more compact. This shorter distance between the front and back wheels lets you control the Ghibli Q4 quite easily compared to the Quattroporte Q4. Even in Sport Mode and when turning off the Electronic Stability Program the Ghibli Q4 reacts almost immediately to your actions, whereas the Quattroporte Q4 with its nearly two tons, is a lot more inertial.

The Quattroporte Q4 took considerably  longer until it swerved, but when it did, it was harder to keep control over the machine due to its weight.

Maserati Andermatt

Especially when drifting a slalom it is important that you don’t only concentrate on the curve that you’re in but you actually think about what happens two curves ahead. You need to know how the car is going to react to your stearing, accelerating and slowing down on snow and ice to be able to drift into the following curves flawlessly.

Maserati Ghibli Drift
Whether with the Ghibli or the Quattroporte, driving a rear wheel drive teaches you not to overeccelerate nor to overstear. Especially when you start moving, accelerate subtly otherwise the rear wheels start spinning as the whole power is being transferred over the back axis.

Omega Maserati
Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra 150m
Equipped with one of the world’s most advanced mechanical movement, the Seamaster Aqua Terra Master Co-Axial is stylish, sporty and prepared for an active lifestyle. This luxurious model features a pearled mother-of-pearl dial with 11 diamond indexes.

When you are about to hit a sharp curve, shift down and turn earlier and less than you would on a normal road. Having turned early, by the time you reach the curve the Maserati rear wheel drive slides nicely into the bend and doesn’t crash into the wall behind. By breaking in the curve – especially with the heavy Quattroporte – you transfer the Quattroporte’s weight from the rear to the front of the car to ensure your steering controls the car. As it is well-known, the performance of a rear wheel drive especially on ice is completely different to an AWD. It swerves a lot more, so you often have to countersteer to keep it on track.

Maserati Logo

If I can leave you with a piece of advice, always be aware – whether you drive a front, a rear or an all wheel drive – the car’s breaking duration on ice is significantly longer than on asphalt. When you need to slow down immediately while driving straight ahead, slam on the brakes without releasing until you stand still. The car will swerve slightly but it will stay on track. If you need to slow down when you’re in a curve, only tap the break and release it again, otherwise the vehicle will swerve heavily and you might lose control over the car.

Maserati Snow & Ice
Thank you The Chedi Andermatt and Maserati Switzerland for taking us on this exciting adventure. The Snow and Ice training was not only extremely entertaining but also very instructive. Thank you Maserati Team for teaching us how to drive safely whether on asphalt or on ice. I highly recommend this experience with Maserati’s luxurious sports cars to anyone.
Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed.