

#Yougotsomething – Show Us Your Something And Win!

Today, I’m teaming up with AXE, the team phoned me up and asked if I wanna join their campaign. After trying out the new products and being very happy with the new bodyspray and bodywash, I started to do my thinking. AXE YOU asks you to find back to your roots, to do your own thing – to find your something.

Who is perfect? Nobody is! But we’re all individuals, we’re unique. Each and everyone of us has his own something, something that makes you special. The path to find it, might be a long one – but I’m sure you can find it as long as you listen and watch your inner carefully.

Win 1000 CHF Voucher For Your Trip

Join us and comment your something into the article, please don’t forget to participate with your email address. The most creative participant wins 1’000 CHF voucher for your own trip!

#Yougotsomething – Win 1000 CHF for your Trip!

Together with AXE, you can win a voucher for your trip! There are a few ways to participate, show us YOURSOMETHING and:

  • Send us an email with your something
  • Use #gentlemangotsomething on Instagram and link the axe_offiziell account
  • Comment this article and explain us what makes you special

The most creative wins!

Yougotsomething – What Is My ‘Something’?

Traveling has always been an activity that I probably adore the most. I traveled over 30 countries meanwhile – and I admit, there is absolutely nothing that expands my character as much as traveling does.

Meeting other cultures, travel through deserts and never ending landscapes sometimes makes you never returning home. Traveling is a magical trip and it will lead you to inner peace. Go and listen to people who did a world trip, you will know what I mean.

Trust me, I keep packing my duties to travel. But sometimes, it’s time to return home.


caumasee flims

baden am caumasee

Flims – Where My Heart & Soul Belongs

The AXE team asked me to write about my ‘something’ – and it took me quite some time to find out. And since I’m not a very good skater or anything like that, I had to do some deeper thinking. Well, traveling is for sure my thing. But there is a special place I wanted to write about. It’s the place where I spent my childhood, and not only this – it simply belongs to the most beautiful places on mother earth.

rheinschlucht sonnenuntergang

wanderferien flims

Flims – Finding The Inner Peace

I hope you do have a place to find your inner peace. It’s this very moment when you arrive, and you’re completely relaxed. We’re all different, some of you might be discovering this feeling at a Techno Party – fine! It’s your something then.

My place to find meditation, is located up in the Swiss mountains. Flims is located in Graubünden, Switzerland. The village is nestled in the middle of trees, lakes and mountains. It’s the Seychelles of Switzerland, so to say.

Sky blue water, you can almost drink it directly from the lake. The air is balm for the soul and there is: silence. It’s a journey to become no-one.

schönste schweizer seen

Biking And Hiking In Flims

Spending a few days at the staggering place, you will have time to workout and relax. Loads of chances to do hiking, biking and enjoy free time at the ‘Caumasee’

Check their website, you will find some good advise.

biken flims

Send us your something

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