Black Tie: The Rules To Follow
We explained a few dress codes, but now we will talk about an important one: the dress code black tie. There are of course, a few rules to follow when it comes to dress up in the most perfect way.
Black tie is usually written on invites for…

Dress Code Casual - Easy One!
You just got another invitation and you're not sure how to dress up? Don't worry, today we have an easy one. The dress code casual usually pops up when you're supposed to show up casual, but still tidy.
There is always a reason if you find…

Business Casual - The Dress Code Explained
Today we're talking about an important topic: dress codes. Since I'm running a Men's magazine, we're explaining that first, I hope we can talk about the ladies soon. Every now and then, I'm asked how the dress code business casual works, today…

Smart Casual Dress Code - How It Works
We all get invited time by time. Whether after a working day for the afterwork event, a private party with friends, company meetings or other cool events. The flyers and Emails flutter in all colors and shapes in our physical and digital letterboxes. The…